Winter Session begins January 13th
Register today!

Safety Protocols
We at Dance Moves want you to feel comfortable and safe in our In-Person classes. If you are feeling sick, please stay home and get well ASAP. You can make up your missed classes in weeks 3 - 10 of the current session. Or better yet, add the Online Classes option to your package for a discounted price so you don't fall behind on the learning. We encourage you to wear a mask to protect others if necessary. Let's take care of each other.
Refund Policy
Cancellations before the 1st class - Refund minus $20 -Credit minus $10
Cancellations after the 1st class - Refund minus $25
After the end of the first week of the session, NO REFUNDS will be given.
Partial credit will be considered from the time of notification when accompanied by a doctor's note.
Make up Classes
If an In Person class is missed you are welcome to make it up at any of the other locations and times from weeks 3 - 10 of the current session.
Bonus Classes
Bonus Free In Person Classes can be redeemed at any of the other locations and times from weeks 3 - 10 of the current session.
Cold Weather Policy
In Person classes will only be canceled due to cold weather or snowfall if there is a public advisory to stay off the roads.